Why does the UK Academic Year Start in September?
- Categories All Study in Abroad Blogs, Study in the UK
- Date July 12, 2024
Unlike in India, the academic year in the UK starts in September. UK universities have 3 major intakes – September, January and May. The month of September marks the beginning of the new academic year. As the country starts blooming with fresh faces with fresher dreams, it marks the start of a new session. September is also the year when the winter begins. And no, that is not a coincidence. The beginning of the academic year does depend on the side of the equator the country is in. The reason lies in their regional agricultural background. Let’s get into that story deeper.
For the People, by the People
It goes back to 1880, when school became compulsory. Children were an integrated part of the then-unevolved industry of agriculture. Many worked in fields and factories with their parents to get home more money. Despite the law, not all made it to the school. Or those who did often regretted their presence. Kids needed to do their bit on the land. Tasks like fruit picking, livestock care and preserving supplies often landed on their shares. A large number also took charge of harvesting and reaping. Boys in numerous communities aged 10 to 13 did shepherding in the higher pastures. The trip alone took a couple of days. Sometimes, even more. Some stayed home to help with the household. Taking care of the younger ones and completing the household tasks while their parents worked maintained a balance. They were too small to do physical labour for money anyway.
By the time the summer faded, autumn began to wind up tasks. As there was less to do on fields, the school witnessed larger attendance. Boys and girls of all ages became regulars. With winter, the attendance grew grander. With not much-paid work available, children going to school didn’t make much difference financially. Again, as the sowing season approached, families needed all hands on deck. The children’s absence, even for schooling, wasn’t entertained.
Tough Times, Tougher Practices
The Sandon Act of 1876 was imposed as a legal duty on parents of children aged 5 to 10. In effect, they had to ensure that kids not only went to school but also received the specified level of education. However, the regular school year is also the busiest time for farmers and industries in England. But as the act bonded the parents with the law, they had no say in the matter. The children’s absence at work made the pockets light, the plates emptier and the hearts heavier. The economic impact made the times difficult but what was more difficult for the parents was handling tasks on their own. Or worse, being answerable for their absence in the factories.
After multiple failures in management and compensation, the school start noticing lesser attendance. Children were seen working long hours after school. Consequently, strict laws were enforced. Not only did the government increase the school leaving age but it also cornered employers. Employers had to provide certificates to prove that the children working under them had, in fact, completed the mandated years in school. While poor families relied on every member to afford a living, they were yet to understand the role of education in all that they did.
Reeling Back to the 20th Century
It was the dawn of a new era. The government has been driving a continual towards integrating education to the young. The early 20s started showing hope when a rapid transformation came to light. All minds started recognising innovations, industrialisation and growth. The UK kept making changes to the education system to align with its people. To suit the agricultural pattern of the country, the new year came into the picture.
The UK kept making changes to the education system to align with its people. To suit the agricultural pattern of the country, the new year came into the picture. This new year aligned with the agricultural timeline of its population. This meant that students could begin their studies without their parents restricting them. As people got more educated, the agricultural sector ignited at a pace never known. Physical labour was no longer a need. The year with September prevailed through the dark times.
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