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  • Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Accounting BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Eight months
  • Accounting with Business Management BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Finance and Investment BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Architecture BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Quantity Surveying and Construction BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Business Administration and Management (Year 3 Top-up Only) BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration:
  • One year full-time
  • Business Administration BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: One year full-time
  • Business Administration BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Business Economics BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Business Management BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • International Business BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Applied Computing BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Applied Computing HND £11,750 Duration: HND Two years full-time
  • Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Business Data Analytics BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Business Information Systems BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Computer Networks and Security BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Computer Science BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Cyber Security BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Games Production BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Mathematics BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Software Engineering BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Animation BA (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Concept and Comic Arts BA (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Game Art BA (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Graphic Design (Illustration) BA (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Graphic Design BA (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Criminal Investigation with Policing Studies BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Design Crafts BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Interior Design BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Product Design BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Product Design BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Economics BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement
  • Education Studies BA Hons £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Education Studies with Languages BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Education Studies with Psychology BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Aeronautical Engineering BEng (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Four years full-time, five years with placement
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four
  • years full-time with placement
  • Energy Engineering BEng (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years full-time
  • with placement
  • Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years full-
  • time with placement
  • Mechatronics and Robotics BEng (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years full-time with placement
  • Creative Writing BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • English Language BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • English Language with Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages £15,250 Duration:
  • Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • English Literature BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • English Literature with French, Mandarin or Spanish BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years
  • full-time, four years with placement
  • Contour Fashion BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Fashion Buying with Design BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with
  • placement.
  • Fashion Buying with Marketing BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years
  • with placement.
  • Fashion Buying with Merchandising BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four
  • years with placement.
  • Fashion Communication and Styling BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Forensic Science BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Healthcare Science
  • Health and Wellbeing in Society BSc (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Healthcare Science (Audiology) BSc (Hons) £9,250 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Speech and Language Therapy BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • History BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement.
  • History with French, Mandarin or Spanish BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • History, Politics, and International Relations BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Advertising and Marketing Communications BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement.
  • Marketing BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement
  • Human Resource Management BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement
  • International Relations and Politics
  • Politics and International Relations BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement
  • Law LLB (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with a placement
  • Film Studies BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Journalism BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Media and Communication BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with
  • placement
  • Media and Communication with Modern Languages BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Media Production BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Photography BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Visual Effects BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Music Production BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Music Technology BA (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Music Technology Foundation Degree FdSc £10,700 Duration: Two years full-time, three years
  • full-time with BSc Music Technology (top-up), four years full-time with placement
  • Arts and Festivals Management BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Dance BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Drama and Theatre Arts BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Global Arts Management (Level 6 Top Up) BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Full-time
  • Performing Arts BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement
  • Pharmaceutical Science £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: One year full-time
  • Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: One-year full-time Pharmacy MPharm
  • (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Four years full-time
  • Psychology BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, six years part-time
  • Psychology with Education Studies BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Psychology with Health and Wellbeing in Society BSc Hons Degree £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time
  • Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years sandwich placement
  • Medical Science BMedSci (Hons) £15,750 Duration: Three years full-time, four years sandwich (optional)
  • Fine Art BA (Hons) £15,250 Duration: Three years full-time, four years with placement


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StudyWise International

079 6000 6000 | 9624000201

1st and 2nd floor, Commerce house 3 Opp. Galaxy Bazaar, opp. Himalaya Mall, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380052

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